[FinTech Event]Greater Bay Area Conference

Organized by China Daily, Silk Road Economic Development Research Center and co-organized by Council for the Promotion of Guangzhou-Hongkong-Macao Cooperation, the Greater Bay Area Conference 2020 will be held on November 18, 2020. The conference will gather experts in the GBA region to discuss and update the latest development of various sectors especially in the time of COVID pandemic, including healthcare sector, technology infrastructure as well as the new opportunities for Hong Kong. Register Now to enjoy an early bird webinar ticket price at HK$800. For more information, please visit www.cdroundtable.com.
For any inquiries, please feel free to contact +852 3465 5431 or email venuso@chinadailyhk.com.

由中國日報、絲綢之路經濟發展研究中心主辦及廣州市穗港澳合作交流促進會協辦的大灣區論壇2020將於11月18 日舉行。活動將會著重探討金融服務、貿易物流及專業服務等在內的不同行業,該如何共同合作以把握粵港澳大灣區的發展機會,同時探討智能醫療的發展及其打通業內及周邊行業的機遇。
如有查詢,請致電+852 3465 5431或電郵 venuso@chinadailyhk.com

[FinTech Event]Greater Bay Area Conference