[FinTech Education] Bibo FinTech Internship Programme
[FinTech Education] Bibo FinTech Internship Programme
亞洲金融科技師學會主席龐寶林先生今天在標保金融科技實習計劃資訊會暨小組面試日上分享了他在個人職業生涯中的經驗,以及香港最新的金融和金融科技界發展。龐主席勉勵一眾學生保持積極正面,努力裝備自己,預備好投身社會,相信標保已為有意投身金融科技職界的學生提供一個非常好的起點和平台。再次感謝標保公司邀請,預祝實習計劃圓滿成功。Mr Paul Pong, Chairman of IFTA, shared his personal career experience, as well as the latest Hong Kong financial and FinTech developments at the BIBO FinTech Internship Programme Information Session & Group Interviews today. He encouraged the candidates to stay positive, and proactively equip themselves to get prepared for future career. The BIBO internship Programme has already provided a good starting point for students who are interested in pursuing their career in FinTech.Special thanks to Mr Ka-Ming Lee, CEO of BIBO Limited for having IFTA today. Wish the internship programme a great success.